Customer Cases
How do you strengthen feedback in a giant company across locations?


How do you strengthen feedback in a giant company across locations?

At Elgiganten, you are no stranger to the challenge of creating a strong and cohesive management culture across the country's many warehouses.

At Elgiganten, you are no stranger to the challenge of creating a strong and cohesive management culture across the country's many warehouses. With a goal of strengthening management efficiency and fostering a culture of open and constructive feedback, Elgiganten turned to GoLearn and their FeedWork program to create a change.

Screenshot from the GoLearn course - Morten and Danni

The challenge

With nearly 50 warehouses spread across Denmark, Elgiganten faced a challenge in ensuring a consistent management practice and feedback culture. It was essential for the company not just to implement a solution, but to create a movement that could lead to real change and development among all layers of management.

The solution

The feedback course, delivered through GoLearn's online learning platform, was carefully selected for its hands-on approach to feedback and communication. The program offered both theoretical frameworks and practical tools designed to strengthen feedback mechanisms between managers and employees.

The implementation

The course was rolled out as an integral part of Elgiganten's management development initiatives. The course was made available to managers at all levels, from store managers to regional managers, but also to all employees in the head office who are daily role models in front of the warehouses, ensuring that the learning journey became a shared experience. The course structure encouraged practical application of learned techniques through role-playing games, group discussions, and direct feedback sessions. The course was made compulsory for the leaders and digital follow-up sessions were made along the way, to ensure an overall progression and focus in the application of the course in everyday life.


The results spoke for themselves. Managers at Elgiganten reported a marked improvement in their ability to give and receive feedback, resulting in stronger team dynamics and improved employee satisfaction. The feedback culture became more entrenched, with an increased willingness among employees to openly share ideas and suggestions for improvement.

''Our employee satisfaction survey where we work with feedback has increased by 4 points, which is quite a lot when you look at 2500 employees who enter and rate it”
“In the course itself, they bring some concrete tools into play that are very easy to put into play on a daily basis and we can see the tools are starting to go again in many places in our stores, so it's super cool”

Jesper Bechmann Jørgensen - HR Business Partner in Elgiganten.

Interview with Jesper Bechmann Jørgensen - HR Business Partner in Elgiganten.

Completion of course

The end of the course was followed to the door by Morten and Ida, who came to Elgiganten's peak gathering, to give lectures and workshops in front of Elgiganten leaders.

With their pleasant approach and well-placed humor, they managed to capture and hold the audience's attention from start to finish.

Through these sessions, the important themes and learning points from the course were not only reviewed, but also brought to life in a way that made the content accessible and relevant to each individual leader. Their ability to blend in-depth insight with easily accessible dissemination helped the course to the finish line and ensured that the leaders left the workshop more informed, motivated and ready to implement the new tools and techniques in their daily work.

Videohighlights from the Peak Gathering, where Morten and Ida participated at the end of the GoLearn course

Future Steps

The electric giant is now looking to the future with a renewed sense of competence and direction in feedback. With the results achieved, the company plans to expand the application of the principles to other areas of the company, including customer service and internal communications.

It must be said that the collaboration between Elgiganten, GoLearn, and Feedwork has demonstrated how digital learning can create an impact in a company by improving communication and feedback. By applying new tools and techniques, Elgiganten has taken a big step towards realizing its goal of creating a stronger, more cohesive management culture.

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Our consultant

Contact our consultant on the assignment if you are curious to hear more.

Danni Liljekrans

Danni Liljekrans

51 80 18 03

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