About Us

Casper Enggaard

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Over the years, Casper has had contact with many environments professionally. This has made him particularly curious about the world. Casper is super good at people for the simple reason that he genuinely cares about them - professionally, personally and privately. He is good with words and makes linguistic innovations himself, to play with his understanding of the world - he says that we "understand with our concepts". That is why Casper is both entertaining and consciousness-expanding to listen to. As a management consultant at Feedwork, he is very concerned with balancing theory and practice – together with the customers. Privately, Casper is a very active person, and there is almost nothing better than a run or a dip in the harbor to refresh his head.


  • Officer from the danish army
  • Previous SEAL
  • HD in Organization and Leadership (AAU)
  • BSc.in psychology - Psychology in spe (KU)

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