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Ida Brogaard

42 32 72 19

With great empathy and a strong ability to empathize, Ida often has a razor-sharp sense of what is going on with other people and what they need – an exceptional ability that is utilized every day in her work as a management consultant at Feedwork. Ida has a unique balance between lots of courage and power, as well as an incredibly sensitive sensitivity and high awareness, which in the best way makes her a unique and fully cast consultant. It almost shines out of Ida that she has a huge passion for people - that they thrive and experience meaning in their lives. That they both have a relationship with themselves and others and are aware of their behavior patterns - and dare to stand by who they are.

She is driven by creating a solid base for

psychological safety and create the best conditions for authenticity, meaning and development to be natural elements in peoples lives. Appart from that Ida loves to surround herself with nature, be active, cook delicious food and to dive in to psychological aspects of herself and others.


  • Master in Psychology and Work Life Studies
  • BSc. Psychology and Health Promotion
  • Former educator and coach for young perved Hverdagens Helte
  • Former Human ressource developer

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