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Webinar: Boost psychological safety with check-ins

Webinar: Boost psychological safety with check-ins

Psychological safety

Free webinar for those who want to boost psychological safety with one simple tool.

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In a world where it's easy to get distracted and hide behind a professional facade, we often get caught up in meetings where presence and genuine dialogue are lacking.

Imagine a classic meeting situation:
People are rushing in, and before anyone can catch their breath, they are already deep in the first item of the agenda. Halfway in, you discover that too much time has been spent on something everyone actually agreed on from the start, and three participants have not said a word because they are mentally not present.

This could have been avoided.

That is, starting with a check-in. A simple but powerful tool that can create a space for presence and development. A check-in promotes vulnerability and presence, which not only improves collaboration, but also results in stronger, more effective meetings.

That's why Danni and Jonas are hosting a brilliant webinar about check-ins!

The webinar will take place Monday, September 16, 10am-11pm and you're invited along.

Check-in is a quick and easy handle that can be used in various meeting situations, especially when starting new collaborations. In the end, a well-functioning check-in can make a world of difference to both processes and outcomes.

The webinar is especially relevant for you who either:

  • Have a role where you have to lead people.
  • Take on a meeting leader or facilitator role from time to time
  • In general, curious about psychological reassurance

When you participate in the webinar, you will receive:

  • Understanding what check-ins are.
  • Knowledge of how check-ins can contribute to enhanced psychological safety.
  • Insights on how to hold good check-ins.
  • Understanding when and in what situations you can use check-ins.
  • Concrete tried and tested questions that work to make check-ins.

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Jonas Bro
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