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Mikkel Norqvist

27 11 99 01

Pleasant, friendly and enthusiastic. These are some of the words people tend to use when they talk about Mikkel. Both those who meet him for the first time and those who have known him for years. He's just a good guy. Right to the core. At the same time, he has more drive and energy than most, which makes him a born problem solver. He simply has so much momentum that almost nothing can hold him back. Just give him a challenge - and you'll see for yourself. When Mikkel is at home, he enjoys family life ... and maybe a single NFL or NBA game when the kids are put to bed and the girlfriend has fallen asleep on the couch.


  • Reserve officer in the danish Air Force
  • Former elite sports athlete
  • Certified coach
  • Partner @ Feedwork
  • Previously worked as leader of sales

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