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More than 200 organizations and over 10,000 people have worked with us to achieve better performance and create a more meaningful and healthy work environment.
Denmark’s safest consultancy

We strengthen leadership and
learning in organisazions

Unlock your potential and create better solutions for the benefit of everyone.

We support you through leadership training, workshops, blended learning, digital team programs, and advisory services.

Get a free, no-obligation review of your learning needs and instantly see how we can help build a safer and more effective work culture.
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We’re passionate about learning and leadership, but these four areas are especially close to our hearts. Take a look to discover how we can support you.


That's why we begin every project by asking, 'Who are you?' This is the first step in understanding how we best support you.

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What do we help with?

In a rapidly changing world, organizations need individuals who can interpret, analyze, and anticipate shifts — and who are prepared to take action to shape these changes. We provide both physical and digital learning programs, as well as leadership development solutions, designed to enhance organizational competencies, growth potential, and the ability to balance human and economic demands. This empowers organizations to approach the future with confidence.

Digital team session psychological safety

Enhance psychological safety within your team to foster open discussions on challenging topics, facilitate mutual learning, and support better decision-making.psykologiske tryghed ved hjælp af vores digitale koncept, så I bliver bedre til at tale om de svære ting, lære af hinanden og træffe bedre beslutninger.

Begin your learning journey here

Hi. We are Feedwork.

We're a team of social-geeks, enthusiasts and experts. Social, because we understand people, work with people, and see each individual as a whole person. And experts, because we’re driven to master everything worth knowing about leadership, learning, psychology, and organizational development.

Try it out and see for yourself

Get free access to 2 hours of material packed with knowledge and tools to strengthen your feedback skills.

Begin your learning journey here

What do customers say?

Read, listen and learn

Find free articles, podcasts, videos and webinars on leadership and learning here.

Process Facilitation for Success – Here’s How to Do It

Process facilitation creates structure, engagement, and better decision-making within teams. Learn how you, as a leader, can use facilitation to strengthen collaboration and drive innovation.

Unlock Workplace Potential with Self-Insight

Self-insight and psychological safety are two of the most critical factors for a healthy work environment and effective teamwork. But what do they actually mean — and how are they connected?

Psychological safety
Learn more
8 tips: How to build psychological safety at work

Psychological safety has a huge impact on how employees in your organization engage and contribute to the success of the team. Learn how it is built here.

Looking for more? Take a sneak peek here!

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