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Tool Tuesday: check-in

Tool Tuesday: check-in

Psychological safety

Tool Tuesday video #9: 2-3 minutes check-in can significantly increase psychological safety

2-3 minute check-ins can significantly increase psychological safety

Do you know this:

You come in for a meeting, straight from a hectic morning.

1. The alarm clock didn't go off, the crust in your eyes made it hard to wake up and the coffee was scalding in your mouth because it didn't have time to cool - neither you nor the coffee had time for that.

2. Semi-chaotically, you stress at the meeting over having to seem like you haven't just gotten up and have burned your throat in scalding coffee.

3. The rest of the day you try assiduously to maintain the facade, cool the pharynx, and ignore the arising palpitations, so Your colleagues don't think you're out of line.

4. Shitty day.

Situations like the above we all know. But, the day of the shoe could perhaps be saved by using a very simple tool: check-in.

You're probably thinking:

Check-in is something you do at the airport, but how do you do it for a meeting?
It very simple indeed. It only takes 2-3 minutes, to introduce and can significantly raise the value and meaningfulness of your meetings.

Hear Danni explain more about what it is and how it can be used 👇

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Morten Melby

Morten is a former Air Force officer, graduated in business economics and psychology from CBS and has worked in management consulting for the past 9 years.

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