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Webinar: How Novozymes works with psychological safety

Webinar: How Novozymes works with psychological safety

Psychological safety

RECORDING FROM HELD WEBINAR | Free webinar for managers, HR professionals and learning geeks who want to strengthen psychological peace of mind.

Feedworks webinar on how Novozymes has worked with psychological safety

| This webinar has been held - download the recording from the webinar at the bottom of the page |

What do you do when you want to work with psychological safety in a large international company? You will get the answer to this in this webinar, where Camilla Dahl Jensen, Wellbeing Specialist at Novozymes, comes and talks about their situation, considerations and solutions in relation to creating psychological security for the 6,500 employees in Novozymes.

The webinar is relevant for you as:

  • Responsible for learning in larger organizations
  • I am curious about how to work with psychological safety in practice
  • Looking for inspiration on how you could work with psychological security


Morten from Feedwork interviews Camilla, so the webinar is based on these questions:

  • What was your challenge?
  • What considerations did you make?
  • How did the collaboration with Feedwork work work?
  • What did the solution end up looking like?
  • How have the leaders at Novozymes taken it?
  • Where do you stand when it comes to psychological safety?
  • Q&A with questions from participants

The webinar will be hosted by our partner Morten Melby and Camilla Dahl Jensen, who is Wellbeing Specialist in Novozymes.

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Morten Melby
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